
MOOI clinic is located in the center of Maastricht. The address is:

Sphinxcour 6C01
6211 XZ Maastricht

Are you coming by car? Then navigate to
parking on the Frontensingel
. The entrance is located on the NORTH side of the Eiffel Building on the3rd floor. Our entrance on the Sphinxcour is next to the Loods 5 entrance.

Walking or biking are of course the MOST convenient routes to the clinic, but we are also easily accessible by car or public transportation.

By car and parking

Follow the Frontensingel northbound or follow the parking signs Sphinxkwartier When coming by car. There are two parking lots within walking distance of MOOI Clinic.


Parking lot Sphinx
(right next to the building):
Info on rates: click here

Q-park the Frontenpark
(a little further to walk but also a little cheaper):
Info on rates: click here

By public transportation

If you come by public transportation, you can take several buses from Maastricht Station towards the Sphinxcour. For up-to-date information and planner, visit 9292. Please allow 15-20 min travel time from the train station.

onze belofte

Onze belofte

Bij MOOI is kwaliteit geen loze slogan. Wij hechten bijzonder waarde aan kwaliteit omdat het om jouw uiterlijk gaat en dat neem je je hele leven mee. Kwaliteit, veiligheid en vertrouwen staan daarom centraal in onze aanpak.