The best way to treat and care for a scar

An aesthetic procedure often means a scar. The plastic surgeon is pre-eminently the specialist to make sure you get the most MOUTHFUL or invisible scar possible. But very definitely the conditions and precautions you can take yourself are also important for optimal wound healing. We would like to share our expertise and highlight key aspects of scar post-treatment. This is for the most MOOI result possible.

Phases of a scar

The process of scarring has 3 stages. The total process can take up to 2 years. Here it is important to know that you can take action up to 2 years to make your scar look more beautiful.

Scientifically proven

During check-up consultations after surgery, we are frequently asked which cream we recommend to treat scars with. That makes sense. There are many creams listed as “the best for treating scars. But what is scientifically the best treatment for a scar? Then how you deal with a scar is most important. We are happy to explain further:

You can do this yourself to care for your scar

1. Massaging, massaging, massaging

Our first advice is very simple; massage regularly and thoroughly, at least twice a day and preferably as often as you can for a period of up to 6 weeks. Take the scar between thumb and forefinger and make small circular movements. This will keep the scar supple and ensure the production of new collagen.

But beware: not too soon! Only when the scar is firm enough and all scabs are gone. In the specific case after eyelid surgery, massaging is not necessary.

2. Scar Cream

So massage first. This has the best effect when combined with a scar cream. A good scar cream has a protective effect on the skin, is invisible, non-sticky and easy to smear. You can use these on a closed wound, but the scar must feel dry and all scabs must be gone.

So remember: massaging is the most important part!

3. Protect against UV light

Furthermore, it is important to protect the scar from UV light in the first 2 years. Scars heal in 1.5 to 2 years. During this time, a new scar may become red and irritated again under the influence of UV light. In addition, sunlight can cause pigmentation that can cause the scar to darken.

4. Keep the scar clean to prevent infection

This goes without saying, but not unimportant. A clean wound is important for MOOI healing.

5. Avoid stretching the skin

Stretching the skin can make the scar wider. Avoid activities that put unnecessary stress on the skin (such as weightlifting or other strenuous sports during the first few weeks after the wound occurs).

There are people who can develop an active scar despite the above points. For this, additional treatment can be prescribed through the plastic surgeon or there is the possibility of treating them with special injections. These additional treatments fall under insured care and come at the expense of your deductible.

Please contact us for more information.

Feel MOOI,
Team MOOI Clinic

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