Fear of surgery or anesthesia: tips

Most people find surgery very exciting. This also makes perfect sense because there is also a lot involved. You may be going under anesthesia, wondering if it will hurt and worried about the outcome. In addition, most people do not go under the knife every day, which can add to the uncertainty and fear of the unknown. In this article, we share some valuable tips for preparing for surgery and reducing anxiety about both the procedure itself and the anesthesia, so you can look forward to surgery day with more confidence.

Fear of anesthesia either, anesthesia anxiety

The most common reason people wait to schedule a consultation for cosmetic surgery is their fear of anesthesia, or anesthesia anxiety or anesthesia phobia. So in this, you are afraid of receiving anesthesia, not so much the prick (needle phobia) but rather the fear that something will go wrong so that you will still feel something during the surgery or that you won’t wake up. We also hear more often that someone has a phobia of needles. Often this fear stems from a previous unpleasant experience where you fainted after the puncture, for example.

Fear of surgery can range from mild worry and nervousness to intense anxiety and panic attacks. Good to know is that we at MOOI Clinic have experience with all kinds of people, from very relaxed to very stressed before surgery. Here are some tips to help you cope with the fear of surgery or anesthesia:

  1. Make sure you are well informed

Every surgical procedure starts with a consultation with a highly experienced plastic surgeon. You will receive detailed explanations and the opportunity to ask questions. During the consultation with the plastic surgeon, you can also indicate that you find it all very exciting and may have a phobia of needles or anesthesia. If you feel the need, you can get an additional phone consultation with our anesthesiologist (doctor specializing in anesthesia, pain medication and your well-being during surgery, among other things) to learn more about anesthesia.

Anyway, all patients who go under full anesthesia have preoperative screening with the anesthesiologist. A good thing to remember is that nowhere is anyone more closely watched than during anesthesia in an operating room.

  1. Try relaxation exercises

There are many different relaxation exercises to calm yourself both mentally and physically. Do you have no experience with this? Then explore what fits and works for you. You could look into:

  • Deep breathing: Try consciously taking deep, slow breaths in and out. This can help you slow your heart rate and reduce stress.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation: This technique involves tightening and then releasing your muscles one at a time, starting at your toes and working up toward your face. This can help your body relax.
  • Meditation: Meditation includes various techniques to calm your mind and be in the moment. You can follow guided meditations or just practice silent meditation.
  • Mindfulness: This involves paying conscious attention to the present moment without judgment. Mindfulness exercises can help you reduce stress and increase your awareness.
  • Aromatherapy: Using certain scents, such as lavender or chamomile, can be soothing. This can be achieved by diffusing essential oils or using them in a bath.
  • Listening to soothing music: Music can be a powerful tool to reduce stress. Choose music that calms and relaxes you.

Should the above exercises not be for you and you really have extreme anxiety? Then ask for help from a

  1. Many things are possible

Each operation is customized and completely tailored to the individual. So is anesthesia. Do you have anxiety about surgery and find that it keeps you awake at night? Indicate this in time, and you can consult with the plastic surgeon to see what is possible. There are medications to help you calm down or fall asleep the night before your surgery.

  1. Seeking professional help

If you find that talking about your anxiety does not help and that you are not comfortable even after talking to our doctors, then possibly only therapy or an anxiety coach can help you. Learning to relax, for example, is important to reduce your anxiety. An anxiety therapist can guide you through this. It also looks at the cause of your anxiety. There are often several triggers for developing an anxiety disorder.

Furthermore, in our experience, every operation only gets better when you let go of control yourself and put your trust in the care staff.

Do you have anxiety about the surgery? Let us know and we’ll help you through it!

Feel MOOI,
Team MOOI Clinic