Eyelid surgery price: what does eyelid surgery cost?

When you want to have eyelid surgery, you not only want to know where and by whom it can best be performed, but also what it will cost.

At MOOI clinic, an eyelid correction costs: €900 all inclusive.

With this, MOOI Clinic offers a very competitive price-quality ratio in Limburg. After all, for this price you get:

Have you found a provider who does offer eyelid surgery very cheaply? Then check carefully to make sure this is true and how experienced and competent the doctor is.

Different eyelid surgery and anesthesia

There are two types of eyelid surgery. Upper eyelid surgery is the most common procedure. In this process, overhanging eyelids are corrected. In addition to upper eyelid surgery, you also have lower eyelid surgery. This involves the removal of bags under the eyes. A correction of both upper and lower eyelids is also performed more frequently.

In addition, there are different anesthetic options that affect the price of eyelid surgery. Typically, eyelid surgery is performed under local anesthesia. You won’t feel anything from the procedure, but you will be conscious. Local anesthesia is the cheapest and is chosen by most people. According to 99% of these people, the procedure was not too bad. If you prefer not to experience anything from the procedure, you can opt for general anesthesia. Then the eyelid surgery becomes a lot more expensive because the treatment is performed in the operating room including all the necessary materials and specialists (anesthesiologist, nurses, etc.).

What do you look for when comparing prices?

With so many providers, it is sometimes difficult to compare costs. Do you trust your eyes and face to a doctor with less experience but the authority to perform the procedure? Then you can get the eyelid surgery done cheaper elsewhere. At MOOI Clinic, eyelid corrections are performed only by plastic surgeons, or the highly trained doctors for this procedure.

In addition to the specialist who will perform the eyelid surgery, it is also important to consider what is included in the price. Consider the consultation, checkups, emergency department and anesthesia.

The cheapest eyelid surgery?

MOOI Clinic does not aim to offer the cheapest eyelid surgery in Limburg, but rather the best and safest. Our rates are very competitive. See many lower prices elsewhere? Then ask yourself: who is the practitioner, how much experience does they have, and where is the difference? Chances are you are sacrificing experience and, therefore, the quality and safety of treatment.

Price List 2023 MOOI Clinic Anesthesia Rate
Eyelid corrections
Upper eyelid surgery local € 900
Upper eyelid surgery with anesthesia anesthesia € 1.950
Lower eyelid surgery local € 1.420
Lower eyelid surgery with anesthesia anesthesia € 2.470
Upper and lower eyelid surgery local € 2.210
Upper and lower eyelid surgery with anesthesia anesthesia € 3.260

Get advice from the specialist and schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons.