

Gynecomastia: removal of breast tissue in men2024-05-13T14:45:13+00:00

Comfortable in your own body.

Feeling MOOI and comfortable with your upper body exposed is our wish for everyone. As a man, when you have breast formation, certain situations can feel unpleasant, but you can do something about this. We’ll tell you in detail what the options are during a consultation with the plastic surgeon at our private clinic in Maastricht. We take all the time needed to answer your questions.

  • Quality, safety and trust are central to our approach

  • You are always seen and treated by a plastic surgeon who speaks English.

  • We are located in the heart of the Benelux, in the center of Maastricht.


What you want to know quickly about gynecomastia correction

What you want to know quickly about gynecomastia correction

  • Local anesthesia or general anesthesia

  • Surgery takes 1.5 to 2 hours

  • Directly home

  • 7 days of rest

  • Fully recovered after 6 to 8 weeks

When to have surgery to remove breast formation in men?

Gynecomastia (breast formation in men) is quite common. Sometimes it is genetic and sometimes it develops later in life. In babies and pubescent boys, breast formation is common and usually disappears on its own. However, medications, hormones or diseases can also cause breast formation. This may require further medical examination.

Men who come to MOOI Clinic for gynecomastia correction don’t feel comfortable with their upper body. Regardless of the cause and severity of breast formation, they often feel ashamed of their upper body. They prefer not to walk around in swimming trunks or underwear, or sometimes wearing sports clothing or a tight T-shirt.

What are the options?

There are several options:

  • Moderate breast formation can often be treated with liposuction. The fat cells are suctioned using a fine suction needle. The scars are usually so small that they are barely visible.
  • If you have a lot of breast formation, then removal of the glandular disk is necessary. We make an incision on the underside of the areola through which the excess glandular tissue is removed. Substantial male breast formation often requires a longer scar. Sometimes the nipple must also be repositioned if a lift is needed.


From consultation to aftercare

Make an appointment first

Call or email one of our staff members to schedule a consultation. Tell us your plans in advance so we can schedule you with the plastic surgeon who is best for you. You can make an appointment through the appointments page.

Or call: +31 43 311 8708

The consultation from A to Z

You come to MOOI Clinic in Maastricht to discuss your breast reduction surgery. Write down your questions in advance so you can ask them at the consultation. During the consultation, you’ll speak with the plastic surgeon who specializes in gynecomastia correction about everything from general information on pre- and aftercare, to details such as moving and resizing the nipple.

After the consultation, you’ll be up to date on everything regarding your future procedure. You’ll receive honest advice from us about the expected outcome, risks, recovery and costs.

We also take the photos for your medical records today. We advise all our clients to quit smoking around the time of treatment. The same applies to the use of nicotine patches and gum.

An initial consultation involves a €50 consultation fee, which will be deducted from the treatment price.

The breast surgery

Glandular disc removal or liposuction is usually done under general anesthesia so you won’t feel anything. The anesthesiologist will put you under anesthesia in the operating room. In liposuction, we mark out exactly where the incisions for the suction needles will be. The fat cells are suctioned using a fine suction needle. If glandular disc removal is chosen, we make an incision on the underside of the areola through which the excess glandular tissue is removed. The incisions are sutured or taped only with a wound plaster. The incisions are so small that soon you’ll hardly see a scar.
Substantial male breast formation often requires a longer scar. Sometimes the nipple must also be repositioned if a lift is needed. The plastic surgeon can tell you what is needed to achieve the best and most beautiful result. A treatment lasts an average of one to one and a half hours.

Aftercare and recovery

After surgery you will need to wear a compression top; you’ll take this with you to the operating room and put it on immediately after surgery. Then you will be taken to the recovery room. You can usually go home the same day after surgery. Don’t drive yourself but have someone else drive you home safely.

Before surgery, you’ll receive detailed post-operative and aftercare instructions from us. It’s important for your own recovery that you follow these carefully.

After the procedure, the chest is sensitive for the first two to three days. There may also be bruising which will gradually go away. The swelling usually disappears within four weeks. You’ll be given a compression band to wear to control swelling. After a week, the sutures are removed. Most people return to work after two weeks. Heavy work and lifting can only resume after six weeks.

Our guarantee

At MOOI, quality is not just a slogan. We prioritize quality because it encompasses not only appearance but also durability, functionality, and overall value, which are attributes that accompany us throughout our lives. Quality, safety, and trust are therefore central to our approach. You can see this reflected in our team of specialists and our carefully selected products. Our commitment to you is that we strive for the highest quality day in and day out. Because when you feel beautiful, that’s the most BEAUTIFUL thing for us. MOOI means beautiful in Dutch.

Read more about our vision on quality.

Our guarantee

At MOOI, quality is not just a slogan. We prioritize quality because it encompasses not only appearance but also durability, functionality, and overall value, which are attributes that accompany us throughout our lives. Quality, safety, and trust are therefore central to our approach. You can see this reflected in our team of specialists and our carefully selected products. Our commitment to you is that we strive for the highest quality day in and day out. Because when you feel beautiful, that’s the most BEAUTIFUL thing for us. MOOI means beautiful in Dutch.

Read more about our vision on quality.


Always well informed

At MOOI Clinic we think it is important that you have easy and safe access to information about your treatment. We would like to keep you informed via your own MOOI account. This way you are always well prepared. You will only receive messages that are relevant to you, before, during and after breast surgery.


As with any surgery, there is a chance of bleeding, infection or impaired wound healing with gynecomastia surgery. This is usually not serious and easily treated. Sometimes sensitive, subcutaneous thickening may occur. In most cases, these disappear by themselves over time. If this doesn’t happen, we can surgically remove them. In some cases, numbness of the nipples occurs and in very rare situations, loss of the nipple occurs.


We advise all our clients to quit smoking around the time of treatment. The same applies to the use of nicotine patches and gum. Smoking not only makes you less MOOI on the outside, but also on the inside. If you smoke, you have a higher risk of complications such as poor wound healing, skin shedding or respiratory problems with general anesthesia.

Recovering from a gynecomastia correction

What is the impact of the surgery and how long will it take you to recover?

Experience of other men

Your desire and reasons for undergoing breast reduction surgery is personal. We realize that breast reduction surgery is quite the procedure. In our experience, almost everyone is very happy with the results. Be sure to read the experiences of others through

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plastic surgeon limburg

Our plastic surgeons

Our plastic surgeons

Your appearance is precious to us. We believe that for proper treatment, you need the right people. Training, competence and quality can only be provided with plastic surgeons who understand their profession. We do not want to be the largest clinic in the Netherlands, but the best.

What does this treatment cost?

After the consultation with the plastic surgeon, you’ll know exactly what your gynecomastia correction will cost.

Please note that it’s not possible to claim expenses for treatments from health insurance. MOOI only performs procedures for uninsured care.

If you do want to qualify for reimbursement, we’re happy to refer you to one of our hospitals. For this you need a referral from the family doctor. We recommend consulting the terms and conditions of your health insurance policy.

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