Dr. Mark Smeulders

Knowing how to have a very direct impact on a patient's well-being is the best motivation for me to enjoy doing my job every day. "

About Mark

‘I have been a plastic surgeon with the focus areas of reconstructive and hand, wrist surgery since 2016. From my previous studies in exercise science, I became fascinated with hand and wrist problems, where the interplay of so many bones, tendons, muscles and ligaments listens very closely to function properly. As soon as I completed my PhD in the field of muscle biomechanics of the spastic hand at the department of plastic, reconstructive and hand surgery at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, I decided to study medicine. By now I had seen how much a plastic surgeon could do for a patient, including treating hand and wrist problems. I am happy to make that contribution now.

After working for several years as a staff member in Amsterdam and at The Hand Clinic, I came to Zuyderland in early 2018. Here I have enjoyed working ever since in a close-knit team of colleagues. As a large peripheral hospital, Zuyderland offers all specialty care in reconstructive and hand and wrist care. My challenge is to choose the most optimal treatment within these problems together with the patient. in which being able to function in daily life, work, or sports is paramount.


I received my training at the Onze Lieve Vrouwen Gasthuis in Amsterdam, the Academic Medical Center, the Rode Kruis Hospital in Beverwijk and the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek in Amsterdam. Immediately after my training, I did a Hand Trauma Fellowship in Cape Town. During that time I gained a lot of experience within this highly specialized field. I have since become a European Board Certified Hand Surgeon.

Areas of focus

  • eyelid surgery
  • reconstructive surgery
  • hand/wrist specialist


December 1, 2004: Introducing intraoperative direct measurement of muscle force and myofascial force transmission in tendon transfer for cerebral palsy. Faculty of Medicine, University of Amsterdam. Supervisors: prof.dr. CMAM van der Horst, prof.dr. PAJBM Huijing; co-supervisor; Dr. JJ Hage.


I enjoy living in Maastricht with my girlfriend and three children. I enjoy sports, prefer to feel nature around me and am always looking for new challenges.

Member of:

  • Board member Ned Ver Hand Surgery
  • Committee member of training committee NVPC
  • Member Scientific Council Zuyderland

I speak Dutch, English and German.

Mark shares his knowledge

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