Breast augmentation with your own fat

Breast augmentation with your own fat

Fat Transfer Breast augmentation2024-05-10T10:58:33+00:00

Lipofilling is a 100% natural breast augmentation, which means it’s 100% naturally you.

At MOOI clinic, we’re all about helping you feel beautiful and to rediscover how MOOI your breasts can be with a natural augmentation. If you prefer not to use breast implants, you can also have your breasts enlarged with your own body fat (or lipofilling). With this breast augmentation procedure, we remove fat in places where we can (using liposuction) and the plastic surgeon re-injects it into your breasts. Since you’re considering breast augmentation with your own fat, we’d like to tell you what your options are and what steps you can take. During a consultation with a plastic surgeon at our private clinic located in Maastricht, we’ll provide you with all the necessary information so you can make an informed decision.

  • Quality, safety and trust are central to our approach

  • You are always seen and treated by a plastic surgeon who speaks English.

  • We are located in the heart of the Benelux, in the center of Maastricht.


What you want to know quickly about breast lipofilling

What you want to know quickly about breast lipofilling

  • Under full anesthesia

  • Operation takes a minimum of 2 hours

  • Going home the same day

  • 7 days of rest

  • Fully recovered after 6 to 8 weeks

When should you choose lipofilling of the breasts?

You’re bothered by your breasts because they are relatively small, droopy or uneven. Breast augmentation with your own fat is a great solution for women who naturally desire a cup size more. It is a good alternative to breast implants. Lipofilling is also possible when your breasts have become smaller due to weight loss or pregnancy. During the consultation we look at the possibilities and how you would like to see your breasts after surgery.

Lipofilling of the breasts is also becoming more common for women who are having their breast implants removed.

Where do we get the fat?

An added benefit of this technique is that it moves excess fat from unwanted locations to the breasts. We remove fat cells from, for example, your abdomen, legs or hips and then – after treatment – inject it back into your breasts. Of course, a certain amount of fat is needed to perform breast augmentation. For example, to provide both breasts with 250 ‘cc of fat, about 1 liter of fat must be removed from the donor areas. If you have a low BMI, you may not qualify for this treatment.

Combining lipofilling with EVE BRA

The plastic surgeons at MOOI Clinic are at the forefront of offering and developing the latest techniques and can educate you about lipofilling combined with the EVE BRA (also known as the BRAVA Bra). EVE stands for “External Vacuum Expander” and is a new method in which more fat can be returned to the breasts in one operation. EVE consists of two cups that you wear in preparation for lipofilling treatment. The cups suck on your skin – like a vacuum – creating more space in your breasts. This space allows more fat to be reinserted during surgery, and the reinserted fat cells experience less pressure, allowing more fat cells to grow in successfully.


From consultation to new breasts

Make an appointment first

Call or email one of our staff members to schedule a consultation. Tell us your plans in advance so we can schedule you with the plastic surgeon who is best for you. You can make an appointment through the appointments page.

Or call: +31 43 311 8708

The consultation from A to Z

You come to MOOI clinic in Maastricht to discuss your breast augmentation by lipofilling. During the consultation you’ll speak with the plastic surgeon who specializes in this treatment about everything from general information about the before and after care, to specific details such as where the fat is injected and the expected results.

During the consultation, we review what is possible and take necessary measurements for possible surgery. Optionally, you can also try on breast implants if you are unsure between the two options, or if lipofilling turns out not to be possible in your case. It’s very important to us that you feel good about your choice. Today we’re also taking pictures for your medical file.

After the consultation, you’ll be aware of everything about your future natural breast augmentation: from our honest advice, to expected results, risks, recovery and costs.

An initial consultation involves a €50 consultation fee, which will be deducted from the treatment price.

The breast surgery

Lipofilling breast augmentation takes place under general anesthesia so you won’t feel a thing. The anesthesiologist will put you under anesthesia in the operating room. Next, the plastic surgeon will perform two procedures: liposuction of the fat from the “donor area” and then – after preparation of the fat cells – inject it back into your breasts. Lipofilling breast augmentation leaves scars the size of a pinhole.

The procedure takes one to two hours. After surgery, there should be no pressure on your breasts so that the fat can grow in properly. A loose top is often recommended.

At the site of the “donor area” you’ll have to wear compression pants or abdominal compression bands, but you’ll be informed about this beforehand.

You can usually go home the same day after surgery. If all goes well and you feel good then you can go home after the plastic surgeon’s approval. You’re not allowed to drive yourself, so arrange ahead of time how you will get home safely.

Aftercare and recovery

Before surgery, you will receive detailed post-operative instructions from us. It’s important for your own recovery that you follow these carefully. After surgery, your breasts will feel a little sore and perhaps painful. That feeling lessens within a few days. The scars are much smaller than for breast augmentation with implants and will also heal faster. It’s important to take it easy for the first week and not lift or exert yourself heavily. Also, the area where the fat was removed may be a bit sensitive and blue for the first few days.

You’ll come for regular check-ups at MOOI Clinic. It’s important to wear a good bra and we’ll also inform you about this in advance. After two weeks, we remove the stitches. Even after surgery and outside of checkups, we’re always here for you if you have any questions! At our clinic, lines are short and we’ll help you as quickly as possible.

In most cases, you can return to work after two weeks. After four weeks, you can slowly begin exercising again and are likely to be fully active again. Read more about aftercare and recovery after lipofilling breast augmentation here.

Important to know

With breast augmentation with your own fat, your breasts can be made about one to one and a half cup sizes fuller per treatment, unless you can be treated with the EVE BRA system. The volume that can be inserted is often limited, and a percentage of the inserted fat will still disappear after the procedure. If you really want to see a significant difference, then breast augmentation with implants may still be better for you or pre-treatment with EVE BRA. The advantage is that our plastic surgeons often perform both procedures and therefore can give good advice on what is the best solution for you.

Your choice

No one can decide for you how you feel and how you think about your breasts. What is small for you may be fine for someone else. What you really don’t like about yourself, another person usually doesn’t think is so bad. At MOOI Clinic, we pay attention to your story. Our mission is not so much to make you more MOOI, but to make yourself feel MOOI.

Our guarantee

At MOOI, quality is not just a slogan. We prioritize quality because it encompasses not only appearance but also durability, functionality, and overall value, which are attributes that accompany us throughout our lives. Quality, safety, and trust are therefore central to our approach. You can see this reflected in our team of specialists and our carefully selected products. Our commitment to you is that we strive for the highest quality day in and day out. Because when you feel beautiful, that’s the most BEAUTIFUL thing for us. MOOI means beautiful in Dutch.

Read more about our vision on quality.

Our guarantee

At MOOI, quality is not just a slogan. We prioritize quality because it encompasses not only appearance but also durability, functionality, and overall value, which are attributes that accompany us throughout our lives. Quality, safety, and trust are therefore central to our approach. You can see this reflected in our team of specialists and our carefully selected products. Our commitment to you is that we strive for the highest quality day in and day out. Because when you feel beautiful, that’s the most BEAUTIFUL thing for us. MOOI means beautiful in Dutch.

Read more about our vision on quality.


Always well informed

At MOOI Clinic we think it is important that you have easy and safe access to information about your treatment. We would like to keep you informed via your own MOOI account. This way you are always well prepared. You will only receive messages that are relevant to you, before, during and after breast surgery.


As with any surgery, there is a chance of bleeding, infection or impaired wound healing with breast lipofilling. This is usually not serious and easily treated. Because work is done with the body’s own material, the risk of complications is limited. Rejection or encapsulation does not occur after the lipofilling treatment.

The volume that can be inserted is often limited, and a percentage of the inserted fat will still disappear after the procedure. Therefore, the results of lipofilling are less predictable than when implants are used.


We advise all our clients to quit smoking around the time of treatment. The same applies to the use of nicotine patches and gum. Smoking not only makes you less MOOI on the outside, but also on the inside. If you smoke, you have a higher risk of complications such as poor wound healing, skin shedding or respiratory problems with general anesthesia. In addition, smoking has a detrimental effect on the ingrowth of fat.

Recovering from lipofilling breast treatment

What is the impact of breast augmentation with your own fat and how long does it take to recover?

Experience of other women

Your desire and reasons for having breast augmentation is personal. It is very important to us that you feel good about your choices. We also take the time for you to see what suits you best. Other women who have also had breast augmentation done with their own fat through MOOI Clinic may have faced the same choices and doubts as you are now. So be sure to read their experiences through

The result has been beyond my expectations. Drs. Meesters listened carefully to my wishes, I am really super happy with it! We killed two birds with one stone: unwanted fat was removed from my legs and inserted into my breasts through lipofilling.

Anonymous, Breast augmentation lipofilling
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Our plastic surgeons

Our plastic surgeons

Your appearance is precious to us. We believe that for proper treatment, you need the right people. Training, competence and quality can only be provided with plastic surgeons who understand their profession. We do not want to be the largest clinic in the Netherlands, but the best.

What does natural breast augmentation cost?

We work with all-in prices. After the consultation with the plastic surgeon, you’ll know exactly what your breast augmentation with your own fat will cost.

Please note that it is not possible to claim expenses for treatments from health insurance. MOOI only performs procedures for uninsured care.

If you do want to qualify for reimbursement, we’re happy to refer you to one of our hospitals. For this you need a referral from the family doctor. We recommend consulting the terms and conditions of your health insurance policy.

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