Abdominal liposuction

Abdominal liposuction

Abdominal fat removal with liposuction2024-05-22T12:13:16+00:00

A MOOI and tighter belly you can be proud of.

Belly fat can be quite stubborn. Even when you exercise regularly and eat healthy, your tummy may not always disappear. Liposuction, or fat removal through surgery, is the last option for many people. It’s a good solution when you have already tried everything else to get rid of your belly fat. As you consider abdominal liposuction, we’d like to tell you what your options are and what steps you can take. During a consultation with a plastic surgeon at our private clinic located in Maastricht, we’ll provide you with all the necessary information so you can make an informed decision.

  • Quality, safety and trust are central to our approach

  • You are always seen and treated by a plastic surgeon who speaks English.

  • We are located in the heart of the Benelux, in the center of Maastricht.


What you want to know quickly about abdominal liposuction

  • Going home the same day

  • 7 days of rest

  • Fully recovered after 4 to 6 weeks

When to have liposculpture of the abdomen?

Liposuction, also called liposculpture, is a good solution to remove stubborn fat deposits on the abdomen. It’s not an alternative to dieting or losing weight, but it brings your body back into proportion. It’s also important that your weight be consistent. Many women suffer from a belly after pregnancy or gain a lot of weight during menopause. Sometimes it’s hereditary, like being  born with an “apple figure”, where you have slim legs but also a tummy. No matter what you do, your belly fat won’t go away. Liposuction may be a solution in this case.

Of course, not only women suffer from fat deposits around their waists. There are also plenty of men with so-called beer bellies. It’s often caused by unhealthy diet and little exercise, but stress or genetics can also play a role. If you exercise vigorously and eat healthy, your body may be back in shape, but your belly remains.

Why is belly fat so stubborn?

You eat a chocolate and feel like another roll of fat has been added. Some people gain weight quickly around their hips or legs, others near their belly. Your body likes to store fat near the vital organs, that is, around your waist. Nutrition also plays a very important role in why your belly fat may “not disappear”.

The difference from a tummy tuck

Liposuction is more often combined with a tummy tuck to restore the contours of your body. However, there is a big difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction. With a tummy tuck, you’re mainly dealing with excess skin or sagging abdominal muscles. With liposuction, we remove only the excess fat between your abdominal muscles and skin. After liposuction treatment, you have very small scars, while a tummy tuck leaves a scar from hip to hip.

Having your own body fat injected?

Increasingly, people are choosing to use their body’s own fat tissue for volume loss in the breasts or face, for example. Through so-called lipofilling, we reinsert removed fat cells from, for example, abdomen, legs or hips, into the breasts to increase their volume. Their own fat is also regularly used to fill wrinkles or volume loss in the face. With this procedure, you achieve a beautiful and, above all, natural result.


From consultation to aftercare

Make an appointment first

Call or email one of our staff members to schedule a consultation. Tell us your plans in advance so we can schedule you with the plastic surgeon who is best for you. You can make an appointment through the appointments page.

Or call: +31 43 311 8708

The consultation from A to Z

You come to MOOI Clinic in Maastricht to discuss your abdominal liposuction treatment. Write down your wishes and questions in advance so you can ask them at the consultation. During the consultation, you’ll speak with the plastic surgeon who specializes in liposculpture and fat removal about everything from general information about the before and after care, to the details of where the incisions will be made.

We also take the photos for your medical records today. After the consultation, you will be up to date on everything about your future treatment: from our honest advice on expected results, risks, recovery and costs. We advise all our clients to quit smoking around the time of treatment. The same applies to the use of nicotine patches and gum.

An initial consultation involves a €50 consultation fee, which will be deducted from the treatment price.

The operation

We carefully mark out where the fat will be removed and where the incisions will be made. The fat cells are aspirated through a fine suction needle that makes small zigzag movements under the skin. The treatment usually takes place under general anesthesia and lasts 1 to 3 hours.

The incisions are so small that no noticeable scars remain and they are taped with band-aids or very fine sutures. If all goes well, you can go home immediately after the check-up. You’re not allowed to drive yourself so arrange in advance how you will get home safely.

Aftercare and recovery

If all goes well, you can go home immediately after the check-up. Don’t drive yourself but arrange to have someone else bring you home safely.

For the first few days, the treated areas are sensitive and swollen. The swelling usually disappears within four weeks. We recommend drinking plenty of fluids/and continuing to move. You should also use compression pants or bandages for 2 to 4 weeks after the treatment to reduce swelling. You won’t see the results for good after 3 to 6 months; so you need some patience.

Our guarantee

At MOOI, quality is not just a slogan. We prioritize quality because it encompasses not only appearance but also durability, functionality, and overall value, which are attributes that accompany us throughout our lives. Quality, safety, and trust are therefore central to our approach. You can see this reflected in our team of specialists and our carefully selected products. Our commitment to you is that we strive for the highest quality day in and day out. Because when you feel beautiful, that’s the most BEAUTIFUL thing for us. MOOI means beautiful in Dutch.

Read more about our vision on quality.

Our guarantee

At MOOI, quality is not just a slogan. We prioritize quality because it encompasses not only appearance but also durability, functionality, and overall value, which are attributes that accompany us throughout our lives. Quality, safety, and trust are therefore central to our approach. You can see this reflected in our team of specialists and our carefully selected products. Our commitment to you is that we strive for the highest quality day in and day out. Because when you feel beautiful, that’s the most BEAUTIFUL thing for us. MOOI means beautiful in Dutch.

Read more about our vision on quality.


Always well informed

At MOOI Clinic we think it is important that you have easy and safe access to information about your treatment. We would like to keep you informed via your own MOOI account. This way you are always well prepared. You will only receive messages that are relevant to you, before, during and after the treatment.

Good to know

It is important to maintain your weight after liposuction treatment. If you gain weight again, the fat can settle back in the old familiar places. With too little exercise and unhealthy eating, new fat cells may develop around your waist, or the remaining fat cells may become larger and take in more fat. Your diet should already be adjusted before your abdominal liposuction treatment so that your weight remain stable.


As with any procedure, there is a small chance of bleeding, infection or impaired wound healing with liposuction. Usually this is not serious and is easily treated.

Minor scars cannot always be avoided; severe scars can sometimes be corrected and improved.

We only treat people with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or less.

An important condition is that the skin is sufficiently elastic because liposuction does not tighten the skin.

If your expectations are realistic, a satisfactory or even very satisfactory result will occur in most cases. If your expectations are too optimistic, you may be disappointed. The plastic surgeon will discuss with you the optimal results.


We advise all our clients to quit smoking around the time of treatment. The same applies to the use of nicotine patches and gum. Smoking not only makes you less MOOI on the outside, but also on the inside. If you smoke, you have a higher risk of complications such as poor wound healing, skin shedding or respiratory problems with general anesthesia.

Recovering from liposuction treatment

What is the impact of the surgery and how long will it take you to recover?

Experience of others

Your desire and reasons for having body fat removed is personal. It’s very important to us that you feel good about your choices and we also take the time for you to decide what suits you best. Other clients who have also had liposuction treatment done through MOOI Clinic may have faced the same choices and doubts as you are now. So be sure to read their experiences at ZorgkaartNederland.nl.

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Our plastic surgeons

Our plastic surgeons

Your appearance is precious to us. We believe that for proper treatment, you need the right people. Training, competence and quality can only be provided with plastic surgeons who understand their profession. We do not want to be the largest clinic in the Netherlands, but the best.

Additional information on plastic surgery

What does abdominal liposuction cost?

After the consultation with the plastic surgeon, you’ll know exactly what your liposculpture treatment will cost. The price depends, among other things, on the body part or parts where the fat will be removed.

Please note that it is not possible to claim expenses for treatments from health insurance. MOOI only performs procedures for uninsured care.

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