Nose job

Nose job

Nose job2024-07-29T13:22:14+00:00

You are MOOI regardless of your profile

At MOOI Clinic, we’re all about bring a smile to your face when you look at yourself in the mirror with confidence. We hope that after a nose job (or rhinoplasty), your nose which defines your entire face, will no longer bother you. We can adjust the tip of a nose, shrink a nose, improve its shape, straighten a crooked nose or remove a curve in the bridge of the nose. We understand that having surgery on your face is a big step for you. Since you’re considering rhinoplasty, we’d like to tell you what your options are and what steps you can take. During a consultation with a plastic surgeon at our private clinic located in Maastricht, we’ll provide you with all the necessary information so you can make an informed decision.

  • Quality, safety and trust are central to our approach

  • You are always seen and treated by a plastic surgeon who speaks English.

  • We are located in the heart of the Benelux, in the center of Maastricht.


What you want to know quickly about rhinoplasty

  • Local anesthesia or anesthesia
  • Intervention of 40-120 minutes

  • Directly home

  • 24h – 48h rest

  • Fully recovered after 6 to 8 weeks

When to have a rhinoplasty?

The size and shape of the nose largely determine how you look. After all, your nose is in the middle of your face. You don’t let just anyone correct your nose. Most people who eventually opt for rhinoplasty have been bothered by their nose for a long time. They don’t like the shape of their nose and feel that their nose doesn’t match the rest of their face.

Common complaints are:

  • Large nose or large nostrils
  • A bump on or in the nose
  • A crooked nose
  • Respiratory problems

Rhinoplasty without surgery?

For very minor corrections, rhinoplasty is possible without surgery. This involves correcting your nose using injectables. Usually, an abnormal shape of the nose cannot be corrected with fillers or injectables. Sometimes there is a minimal bump on the top of the nose, and this is when filler can be a solution. However, you’ll have to keep repeating this treatment regularly. In that case, a filler can be injected just above and below the bump, making the bump less visible. You can speak to the plastic surgeon during the consultation so they can give you sound advice about your options.

Types of rhinoplasty

No two noses are the same, which is why there are many different procedures. With that also comes various techniques to correct the nose. Sometimes a minor procedure is enough where only the tip of your nose is adjusted (nasal tip correction). It is also possible to shrink your nose, improve its shape, straighten a crooked nose or remove a curve in the bridge of the nose.

Depending on your nose and concerns, the plastic surgeon can best advise you on the possible corrections and techniques available for you.


From consultation to a beautiful nose

Make an appointment first

Call or email one of our staff members to schedule a consultation. Tell us your plans in advance so we can schedule you with the plastic surgeon who is best for you. You can make an appointment through the appointments page.

Or call: 043 311 8708

The consultation from A to Z

You come to MOOI clinic in Maastricht to discuss your rhinoplasty
. During the consultation you will speak with the plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty about everything f
rom general information about the before and after care, to specific details about the technique used and where the incision will be. In all cases, we provide a barely noticeable scar.

What is important with rhinoplasties is that in the end, there is harmony in the face. In other words, does the nose fit the rest of the face? In addition, it’s always very important to find out what the expectation of a rhinoplasty is, whether the face will change a lot, or whether only subtle changes will be visible. We discuss all this during the consultation. We also take pictures for your medical records today.

After the consultation, you’ll be up to date on everything regarding your future rhinoplasty. You’ll receive our honest advice on the expected results, risks, recovery and costs. We advise all our clients to quit smoking around the time of treatment. The same applies to the use of nicotine patches and gum.

An initial consultation involves a €50 consultation fee, which will be deducted from the treatment price.

The rhinoplasty

The rhinoplasty is done under general anesthesia so you won’t feel a thing. The anesthesiologist will put you under anesthesia in the OR. There are several techniques for performing rhinoplasty. This is discussed with you in advance during the consultation. An open rhinoplasty involves making an incision on the underside of your nose. From this incision, the surgery is performed. Scars are almost not visible after everything is stitched and healed again. In a closed rhinoplasty, an incision is made on the inside of the nose. After that, there are no visible scars on the outside. A closed rhinoplasty is just not always recommended because it allows the surgeon less visibility into certain cartilage structures. The inside is sutured with soluble sutures and the outside with some non-soluble thin sutures. The procedure takes about 1.5 hours.

You can usually go home the same day after surgery. If it goes well and you feel good then you can go home after checking. You are not allowed to drive yourself so get yourself home safely. You are well informed beforehand about our aftercare and recovery.

Aftercare and recovery

Before surgery, you’ll receive detailed post-operative instructions from us. It’s important for your own recovery that you follow these carefully. After surgery, your nose will probably feel some pressure, but pain is virtually non-existent after surgery. Your nose will be protected and supported with a cap or band-aids after surgery. This keeps your nose in the correct position, combats swelling and ensures that everything heals properly. Sometimes it is also necessary to insert nasal tampons. These are usually removed one day after surgery. In some cases, the nasal tampon stays in place longer because it is also being used as a splint for the nasal septum. The plastic surgeon will inform you about this after surgery.

It’s important to take it easy for the first two weeks and make sure there is no pressure on your face.

After a week or about 10 days, you will come to MOOI Clinic for a check-up. The stitches and splint will then be removed.

In most cases, you can return to work after one to two weeks, but your face may still have some bruising and/or be swollen. After six weeks, you can slowly begin exercising again and are likely to be fully active again.

Read all about recovery after rhinoplasty here.

Good to know

After removing the splint, the nose is not yet healed. Both the cartilage and bone structures have yet to take their final shape. Slight changes in the shape of the nose, both favorable and unfavorable, may still occur during the period of healing. In some cases, small irregularities can be felt when touching the bridge of the nose -this is normal. Only if these irregularities become evident may a second, minor correction be necessary.

It’s very important to match your expectations with the result that is technically possible before making the decision to undergo rhinoplasty. When you have expectations that are not achievable, great disappointment can result.
In addition, it’s important to assess the rhinoplasty result in relation to the overall face. It can be a problem when the new nose shape is technically and aesthetically successful, but you’re not comfortable with the changed nose shape.

Our guarantee

At MOOI, quality is not just a slogan. We prioritize quality because it encompasses not only appearance but also durability, functionality, and overall value, which are attributes that accompany us throughout our lives. Quality, safety, and trust are therefore central to our approach. You can see this reflected in our team of specialists and our carefully selected products. Our commitment to you is that we strive for the highest quality day in and day out. Because when you feel beautiful, that’s the most BEAUTIFUL thing for us. MOOI means beautiful in Dutch.

Read more about our vision on quality.

Our guarantee

At MOOI, quality is not just a slogan. We prioritize quality because it encompasses not only appearance but also durability, functionality, and overall value, which are attributes that accompany us throughout our lives. Quality, safety, and trust are therefore central to our approach. You can see this reflected in our team of specialists and our carefully selected products. Our commitment to you is that we strive for the highest quality day in and day out. Because when you feel beautiful, that’s the most BEAUTIFUL thing for us. MOOI means beautiful in Dutch.

Read more about our vision on quality.


Always well informed

At MOOI Clinic we think it is important that you have easy and safe access to information about your treatment. We would like to keep you informed via your own MOOI account. This way you are always well prepared. You will only receive messages that are relevant to you, before, during and after the treatment.


As with any surgery, there is a small chance of bleeding, infection or impaired wound healing. This is usually not serious and easily treated.

MOOI Clinic recommends that you read the aesthetic package insert carefully. It’s designed to give you the additional information you need to help you make an informed decision.


We advise all our clients to quit smoking around the time of treatment. The same applies to the use of nicotine patches and gum. Smoking not only makes you less MOOI on the outside, but also on the inside. If you smoke, you have a higher risk of complications such as poor wound healing, skin shedding or respiratory problems with general anesthesia.

Recovering from a rhinoplasty?

What is the impact of this procedure and how long does it take to recover?

Experience of others

Your desire and reasons for changing your nose is personal. It’s very important to us that you feel good about your choices and we also take the time for you to decide what suits you best. Both men and women have had nose jobs at MOOI Clinic. So be sure to read their experiences at (the largest independent experience site for Dutch healthcare).

Search, find and rate healthcare providers on ZorgkaartNederland.nlPatient Federation NetherlandsMOOI Kliniek is rated highly on ZorgkaartNederland. View all ratings or place a rating
plastic surgeon limburg

Our plastic surgeons

Our plastic surgeons

Your appearance is precious to us. We believe that for proper treatment, you need the right people. Training, competence and quality can only be provided with plastic surgeons who understand their profession. We do not want to be the largest clinic in the Netherlands, but the best.

Additional information on rhinoplasty

What does a rhinoplasty cost?

Nose jobs come in all shapes and sizes. After the consultation with the plastic surgeon, you’ll know exactly what your rhinoplasty will cost.

Please note that it’s not possible to claim expenses for treatments from health insurance. MOOI only performs procedures for uninsured care.

If you do want to qualify for reimbursement, we’re happy to refer you to one of our hospitals. For this you need a referral from the family doctor. We recommend consulting the terms and conditions of your health insurance policy.

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