The MOOI Foundation supports the Rajori Foundation

From the MOOI Foundation, each year we select one or more causes that fit our vision for a financial donation. This year we are supporting the Rajori Foundation.

West Papua has the largest gold and copper mine in the world and holds the most resources in Indonesia. Yet it is Indonesia’s poorest province, with 24% of the population living below the poverty line. Indonesia’s current president Widodo promises more economic prosperity. Unfortunately, only a small Papuan elite benefits from it and the many Indonesian migrants in the province. In fact, the Rajori Foundation is committed to helping the poorest of the poor; often Papuans who want to give their children a better future.

The Rajori Foundation primarily supports students for scarcity professions; for example, there is a glaring lack of skilled doctors. Together with the MOOI Foundation, Rajori supports medical students who want to further improve health care in West Papua after their studies. In addition, these students often work as volunteers in emergency response teams under the supervision of skilled physicians. That emergency relief is – unfortunately – common: there are regular military conflicts in West Papua resulting in thousands of refugees who do not have access to regular care. They depend on these mobile medical teams.

Read more about this charity here.

Lonneke, MOOI Foundation